Kategorie: Forex Trading

  • VantageFX Review in 2024 Spreads & Fees Compared

    Trust and security are of vital importance no matter who you are trading with, or in which market. With a forex broker, this is also the case and an area that Vantage FX clearly treats as a top priority to ensure you the best possible trading environment. While the broker’s research and educational offerings continue […]

  • Mark-to-Market: A Deep Dive into This Accounting Method

    The loss is incurred, under mark to market accounting, when the value of an asset declines, not when it is sold for less than it was purchased. Yes, mark to market accounting is still used both by businesses and individuals for investments and personal finance needs. In some sectors of the economy, it may even […]

  • Dow Jones E-mini $5 Globex Daily Commodity Futures Price Chart : CBOT

    The minimum tick is one-quarter of an index point, or $12.50 per contract. Mini Dow futures represent a portion of the standard Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) futures. The DJIA is the world’s most widely followed stock index and the leading U.S. stock market benchmark. The high trading volumes and the leverage available have made […]

  • PKO Akcji Rynku Polskiego

    Inwestuje głównie w obligacje skarbowe i korporacyjne z Polski. Może też inwestować w obligacje emitowane przez samorządy. Powyższy ogólny wskaźnik ryzyka odpowiada informacjom zawartym w KID, Można pracować z wieloma kontami w MT4 forex które są aktualne dla każdego z subfunduszy na dzień sporządzenia niniejszego materiału. Najniższy ogólny wskaźnik ryzyka (1) nie oznacza, że inwestycja […]

  • What is XAUUSD in Forex? Trading Basics

    This fusion not only highlights gold’s unique properties but also cements its status as a traded commodity in the financial markets. Since 1919, the London gold fixing has served as a primary benchmark for gold pricing, establishing prices through a twice-daily conference among major bullion-trading firms. In conclusion, trading XAUUSD in the forex market provides […]

  • Turcja: Naukowcy ostrzegają przed kolejnym potężnym trzęsieniem ziemi „Nieuniknione“

    Pocięta jest uskokami, które biegną przez zachodnie, wschodnie, północne i środkowo-południowe obszary kraju. Turecki minister poinformował o spotkaniu z burmistrzem i szefami poszczególnych dzielnic Stambułu. Tematem było przygotowanie miasta do potencjalnego trzęsienia ziemi. Ozhaseki przekazał, że zostało osiągnięte „podstawowe porozumienie“. Liczba ofiar i skala zniszczeń uzależniona jest oczywiście od mocy trzęsienia ziemi. Każda jedna dziesiąta […]

  • Concept of Risk and Return, & Return and Risk Factors Cause

    Contents Risk and Return in Financial Management Explained Risk and Return Examples Notes Concept of Risk and Return Risk and Return Concept The investor will struggle to minimize the portfolio risk and maximize the portfolio return on his investments. The investor will not be willing to take on additional portfolio risk unless additional portfolio return […]

  • LimeFx forex brokers reviews: LimeFx Review 2023 Information about LimeFx Forex Broker

    Contents: Customer Support nvesting Commission or Brokerage or Fees nvesting Review Navigation A trusted broker will contact you today. Platform & Tools As mentioned in the account section, spreads start at 0.03 pips. As an example, LimeFx offers spreads on EURUSD from 0.7, 0.03 on Brent Oil, stock CFDs from 0.21, DAX 30 from 1, […]

  • Cryptocurrency & Currency Converter

    Contents www.coinbase.com Bitcoin cryptocurrency exchange rate for tomorrow 02/11/2023 Cryptocurrency Converter/Calculator The exchange rate of Ethereum against the dollar today Staking The XRP rate to the euro and the dollar as the main currencies is the basis of the XRP rate to all other currencies. Follow the XRP price for today in exchange rates panels […]